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Corgi Spotlight: Why These Loyal and Lively Canines Reign Supreme!

Corgi Spotlight: Why These Loyal and Lively Canines Reign Supreme!

Corgis may be short in height, but their vibrant and larger-than-life personalities more than match their size!  Worldwide, these charming dogs have grasped the attention of many with their cute, endearing, loyal, and good nature.  Whether you're a Corgi owner, an admirer, or simply curious about these furry canines, this blog post is a celebration of everything Corgi!

In this blog post, we’ll explore some unique traits, care needs, and fascinating tidbits surrounding these cute and quirky dogs—exploring everything from their distinctive looks and personalities to essential health care and royal connections!


Unique Traits of Corgis

Corgis are undeniably a cute sight to behold. With various traits that set them apart from other dog breeds, let’s delve into what makes these pups so incredibly special!

Physical Characteristics

Corgis are instantly recognizable thanks to their short stature, characterized by long bodies, short, stubby legs, and a thick, fluffy double coat that begs to be petted! Their small size and low-to-the-ground build are due to a genetic condition known as achondroplasia, a type of dwarfism present in all Corgi breeds that results in their signature short legs—comically disproportionate to the rest of their bodies. But don't be tricked by their little frame! Corgis are surprisingly quick, agile, and athletic—they might even outrun you with speed!

With their distinctive fox-like faces, large upright ears, and adorable—almost captivating— expressive eyes, these dogs seem to capture the hearts of everyone they come across effortlessly. Each of these attributes contributes to their irresistible charm and overall appeal, making them one of the most beloved dog breeds in the world!

Temperament & Personality

Corgis may be small, but their bark is not! They are bold and have confident personalities. Due to their herding instincts, they exhibit an air of fearlessness, independence, and determination, and their keen alertness and sharp instincts can make them natural watchdogs—always ready to protect their family and loved ones. Not to mention, their adaptability allows them to thrive in many different environments and situations!

Corgis are also renowned for being highly intelligent and are among the smartest dog breeds! Most impressively, they hold the #11 spot on Stanley Coren’s list of intelligent dogs—a ranking based on their working and obedience intelligence, specifically regarding how quickly they can learn new commands and their ability to obey them reliably. With an eagerness to learn and a strong desire to please their owners, Corgis are relatively easy to train, allowing them to excel in various roles and making them well-suited for different activities.

Corgis are playful and energetic dogs! Always smiling and brimming with liveliness, these canines are very social, friendly, and outgoing—thriving on being the center of attention. Known for their affectionate and loyal nature, they can make perfect family pets and companion animals for single pet owners, forming strong bonds with their owners. So long as they are trained and properly socialized, they are even good with children!

Fun-loving, happy, sweet, cuddly, devoted, tenacious, and maybe even a little sassy—Corgis can bring joy and excitement to any household they grace!

Breed Varieties

There are two main types of Corgis: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. At first glance, they may look very similar, and it can be somewhat confusing to tell the difference between them. However, upon further inspection, you'll realize the distinct features that set them apart, from size and appearance to personality.

Though Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis share similar traits, their charming differences is what makes each breed uniquely loveable!


Care Requirements for Corgis

Like all pets, Corgis have specific needs that must be met to guarantee their well-being and happiness. Understanding potential health concerns and providing the proper care, including exercise needs, grooming routines, and nutritional requirements, are essential for keeping Corgis healthy, content, and enjoying their life to the fullest!


Corgis have moderate grooming needs. Due to their thick double coats, consisting of a coarse and weather-resistant outer coat and a soft and dense undercoat, regular maintenance is necessary to keep them looking fresh, clean, and healthy! Corgis shed constantly, so regular brushing, at least a few times a week, is essential—this is especially important during shedding seasons in the spring and fall to manage increased hair loss. Not only does this help remove any loose hair, but it prevents tangling and matting of their fur and keeps their coat soft, shiny, and healthy. Depending on their activity level and how dirty they get, Corgis generally need baths every 4 to 8 weeks. Frequent bathing can dry out their skin and strip their coat of natural oils, so it's best to bathe them only when necessary! Nail trimming, teeth brushing, and regular ear cleaning and checks should also make up Corgis' grooming routines.

Corgi Exercise Needs

Corgis are active and energetic dogs! They require regular exercise—at least an hour per day—to match their high energy levels, keep them physically and mentally stimulated, and maintain their health and happiness. And don't let their little legs fool you—those short limbs are surprisingly powerful and muscular, allowing them to excel in various activities! From hikes, long walks, agility exercises, and interactive toys to light jogs, playing fetch, trick training, and herding games, all are activities they can enjoy and benefit from daily. Don't forget to switch things up and keep it fun for Corgis to prevent boredom and foster excitement! Depending on their age and development, exercise requirements may vary.

Diet and Nutrition

Corgis are prone to obesity and can easily gain weight. Due to their long backs and their already short legs, extra weight can pose serious health risks, such as exacerbating back and joint problems. Keeping them at a healthy weight and watching their calorie intake can not only remove any stress on their spines but help to prevent any other health condition or diseases. So, in addition to regular exercise, proper nutrition and a balanced diet are key for a fit and healthy Corgi friend!

Diet and nutrition are the pillars of pet care! These little canines thrive on high-quality diets tailored to their age, size, and activity level. Proteins form the core of their diet, and high-quality meat sources like beef, chicken, turkey, and lamb are vital for fueling their active lifestyles, building and repairing muscle, forming new skin, hair, nails, and other tissues, and promoting overall health. Given their tendency to gain weight quickly, portion control is crucial. A balanced diet with moderate fats and carbs can keep their energy up and prevent obesity. When feeding them treats, choose wisely—don’t overdo it! And as we all know, hydration is imperative. Corgis should always have access to clean, fresh water! Talking to a vet is the best way to go for personalized advice or if you have any concerns.

Common Corgi Health Concerns

As cute as Corgis are, they may come with a lot of health concerns. So before you consider getting one, it is imperative that you are aware of and have knowledge regarding certain health issues they are commonly prone to!

Hip Dysplasia

One of the most common health concerns that Corgis face is hip dysplasia, a genetic condition that causes abnormal development of their hip joints during the growth stage. As they grow, the ball (head of the femur) and socket (acetabulum) of their hip joints may grow at varied rates and not fit together properly as they should, causing them to rub and grind against one another. Over time, this wear and tear on the cartilage can lead to deterioration, looseness, pain, reduced mobility, and even the potential for arthritis.

While genetics is the main factor contributing to this disease, things like extra weight, improper nutrition, and environmental factors also play a huge role. So, if you notice signs of your cuddly Corgi limping, "bunny hopping" when running, having trouble getting up, not wanting to play, and experiencing standing issues—among others—it may be a good idea to contact your veterinarian and schedule an appointment! Early diagnosis is pivotal, and treatments like medication, physical therapy, regular exercise, nutrition plans, and surgery can all work wonders!

Degenerative Myelopathy

Another significant concern for Corgis—especially Pembroke breeds— is degenerative myelopathy, a progressive neurological disorder that affects their spinal cord, brain stem, and central nervous system. Typically, it may begin with symptoms such as weakness in the hind limbs and loss of coordination, such as stumbling, difficulty getting up, and dragging their paws on the ground. As the disease advances, symptoms may worsen and can lead to muscle atrophy, loss of bladder and bowel control, and even complete paralysis. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition. However, supportive care such as routine physical therapy, mobility aids (Ex. wheelchairs, harnesses, ramps, slings, and orthopedic beds/padding), and regular monitoring by their vet can help to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life!

Eye Disease

Corgis are known to develop or be predisposed to several eye diseases—some of which can cause partial or total blindness if not addressed promptly—including but not limited to cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). Therefore, regular eye exams are crucial to maintaining their eye health. Cataracts, a common eye issue in older Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh breeds, cause clouding of the eye's lens, subsequently impacting their sight. Various factors can contribute to cataract formation in these pets, such as diabetes, eye injuries, genetics, and other health conditions. So, if you notice any changes to your furry friend's eyes, seek a veterinarian! To treat the condition, veterinary ophthalmologists can perform surgery to remove the cataracts and restore clear vision for your little Corgi friend.

Another common eye condition is progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). This inherited disorder causes the retina to degenerate, leading to gradual visual loss and potentially blindness—and Corgis are among the many dog breeds susceptible to this health issue. If you’re a pet parent to these charming companions, look out for signs of dilated pupils, cloudy eyes, night blindness, bumping into objects or walls, reluctance to enter dimly lit areas, and abnormally reflective eyes when a light shines on them. The good news is? The condition is painless! However, there is unfortunately no cure available at the moment. But with early detection and management, in conjunction with routine vet visits and treatments, many Corgis can adapt well to changes in their vision. With the love and support of their owners, Corgis can continue to live fulfilling, high-quality lives!

Apart from the mentioned conditions, Corgis can also commonly experience other health problems, including:

  • Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD): A spinal condition commonly found in Corgis and other dwarf breeds that can cause pain and mobility issues.
  • Von Willebrand’s Disease: A genetic disorder that decreases blood clotting, resulting in issues such as excessive bleeding and easy bruising.


Interesting Facts About Corgis! 🐾


  • Royal Favorites: Corgis have a long-standing association with British royalty. They were the preferred choice of the late Queen Elizabeth ll, who owned Pembroke Welsh Corgis throughout her reign!
  • Herding Heritage: Corgis have a historical background of originally guarding and herding cattle! Their unique height made it possible for them to effectively herd cattle by nipping at their heels without being kicked. Their smarts and quickness made them great at moving livestock for farmers and ranchers!
  • Internet Famous: Corgis are social media sensations! They quickly rose to internet fame and became popular memes due to their charming nature and cute, expressive faces.
  • Fairy Saddle: According to myths, Corgis were once believed to be used by fairies and elves who used them as steeds in battle or to pull their tiny coaches.
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