Fall is a beautiful season that can be distinguished by vibrant foliage, crisp air, and the cozy and heartwarming moments we share with our beloved pets. However, as the leaves begin to fall and the weather starts to fluctuate,—along with a host of festivities coming up, there are several safety concerns that pet parents should take into account. Understanding how to keep your fur baby safe and comfortable this season is paramount to navigating through the experiences and challenges they may face.
In this post, we’ll explore some essential fall pet safety tips to ensure that your furry companion can enjoy the season to the fullest. By staying informed and proactive, you can ensure that fall becomes a season of joy and bonding with your pets!
Beware of Halloween Hazards
As we all know, Halloween is a fun holiday celebrated by many people and their furry friends. Though it is a festive time, it can pose potential dangers for your pet! As Halloween grows near, there are certain precautions that you—as a pet owner—must take to ensure your furry friend’s safety as the celebration can pose some potential dangers to them.
If you're the festive type and love to adorn the outside or inside of your home with Halloween decorations, ensure that they are out of your pets reach! You want to avoid the possibility of them getting their paws or mouth on anything that can lead to health concerns or stir up trouble.
For instance, if you plan to decorate your home with cobwebs, make sure they are out of your fur baby’s reach and not plentiful enough for them to possibly get tangled in. Exercise caution with glow sticks, lights or other decorations that use power cords—make sure they are not visible to prevent any chewing accidents by curious pets. Furthermore, it’s best to steer clear of using real candles within reach of your pets, whether they are spread around the house to make your home smell fragrant or placed inside pumpkins or other decorations.
Decorating safely can ensure a fang-tastic holiday for both your family and furry companions!

One of the most significant hazards to be wary of is, of course, candy! Ensure that all candy, especially those containing chocolate, raisins, or xylitol—a sugar alcohol commonly used as an artificial sweetener or sugar substitute—is well out of your fur baby’s reach. These ingredients are toxic to cats and dogs. Oftentimes, it can be difficult to discern the ingredients in treats and candies simply by their appearance. For instance, xylitol might not always be explicitly listed on candy labels, even if it contains it. To be safe, it’s best that you don’t feed your fur baby any Halloween treats unless it is something you have made specially for them with pet-safe ingredients!
Moreover, several types of candy can pose choking hazards for your pet. Some examples include, hard candy, gum, lollipops, caramels, taffy, and more. This makes it all the more dangerous for pets and underscores the importance of keeping candy inaccessible to them. Never leave candy laying around and ensure that you do not inadvertently drop any wrappers on the ground. Be sure to store them in a high, pet-inaccessible place after satisfying your sweet tooth!
Always keep a watchful eye on your furry friend. If your dog or cat consumes candy, seek emergency care—especially if they are behaving in a way that causes you concern. Depending on the quantity and type of candy they ate, symptoms can range from mild: upset stomach, restlessness, vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst/urination, to severe: tremors/seizures, rapid heart rate, abdominal pain, lethargy, or kidney failure or organ damage.
While Halloween can be a fun time for us, it can actually be quite stressful for our furry counterparts. If you plan on bringing your pet along with you for trick-or-treating, remember to keep them on a leash and look out for signs of fear or anxiety. The sight of people walking around in strange costumes and the unusual decorations, sounds and scents can be overwhelming for them as they accompany you on this spooky outing.
For those who plan to tackle the trick-or-treaters, have a plan set up for your pet! Consider designating a specific room or area in your home that is far away from the front door. This will provide your furry friend with a safe and quiet space to relax and escape the constant doorbell chimes and the mysterious knocks of candy collectors. This is also a good idea for pets who tend to bite or may be spooked by strangers.
If your pet is more calm and relaxed, keeping them in a room may not be necessary. While you welcome the adorable trick-or-treaters, be mindful not to open the door wide enough to unleash your pet’s own little Halloween trick—a mad dash for freedom!
Stay Clear of Wild Mushrooms

Fall is often referred to as mushroom season. Why? Because it is the prime time for mushroom growth and widespread in many regions! Not to mention, fall provides the perfect conditions for fungi to flourish. With the cool, damp atmosphere of autumn—coupled with the bountiful fallen leaves and decaying plant matter, it’s an ideal environment for various mushroom species to thrive.
In North America, it is estimated that there are over 10,000 species of mushrooms. However, only about 100 of these species, roughly 1 percent, are considered toxic and responsible for the majority of poisoning cases in both humans and pets. The potential danger lies in the fact that, with such a vast majority of mushroom types, telling them apart can prove to be quite challenging. This can make it difficult for the average person to identify and differentiate between safe or poisonous varieties.
Therefore, pet parents should avoid wild mushrooms at all costs! Since distinguishing between toxic and non-toxic mushrooms can be complicated, it’s best to keep your pet away from areas where they can be seen growing. Taking this precaution can help you avoid possible life-threatening consequences for your furry friend. Naturally, animals are curious creatures—especially dogs. When taking your canine friend for a walk, I’m sure you’ve noticed the way they eagerly sniff the ground, stop to stare at their surroundings, or occasionally nibble something they find on the ground. With the risks associated with wild mushrooms, it’s important to exercise caution and be mindful of where your dog sticks their nose and mouth!
If you observe that your pet has ingested a wild mushroom—even if only a tiny piece— it is always a good choice to treat it as a medical emergency. Symptoms of mushroom toxicity or poisoning in dogs and cats can appear within minutes of consumption or can sometimes be delayed up to 24 hours. Typical signs of mushroom poisoning may include vomiting, seizures, wobbling or loss of balance, abdominal pain, diarrhea, salivation, and yellowing of the skin, gums, or white of the eyes. For more severe clinical signs, such as kidney or liver failure, it may take 2 to 3 days to make itself evident.
Keep Your Pet Warm—Pay Attention to Temperature and Weather

As the weather cools down during the fall season, it's important to be mindful of temperature changes. Depending on where you live, you may find that the temperature in your area drops more rapidly during the fall. Don’t let the sunshine fool you— take proactive steps to keeping your pet warm! Just like us, our pets can be affected by extreme cold or sudden drops in temperature—especially if they are small or short-haired breeds, puppies, or senior pets, as they are more vulnerable to the cold. It's essential for you to keep an eye out for signs of cold stress in your furry companion, such as shivering, huddling, or seeking warmth.
In times of extreme cold, keep your pet inside. Be sure to provide your furry friend with a warm and cozy environment inside to rest—it’s essential for keeping them safe and comfortable. Offer them their own designated space, complete with soft bedding or blankets that help to provide warmth and security. In addition to providing a cozy indoor space, consider using pet clothing like sweaters, jackets, and booties to keep your fur baby warm when you venture outdoors. This can be enjoyable for pet parents who have an affinity for fashion and take pleasure in dressing up their beloved pets. However, it is important to ensure that the clothing is comfortable—always monitor your pet's response to it for any signs of discomfort or irritation. When taking them for a walk, do not spend more time than necessary outside!
In terms of coat maintenance, you may want to avoid trimming their fur or cutting off all their hair—instead, let their winter coat grow out. This enables them to benefit from their natural insulation. However, you should take into account your pet’s breed, specific needs, and the prevailing climate to determine the best approach to grooming.
Seasonal Allergies and Flea Prevention
As with humans, our precious pets can also be affected by fall allergies. If your furry friend is prone to seasonal allergies, the period from September through November may prove to be a challenging time for them, as this is when many pets—cats and dogs, alike—experience the most of their allergy symptoms. There are several factors that can trigger allergic reactions in your pets, let’s explore some of the common ones below!

Be sure to watch for signs of allergies in your furry friend! Some signs to look for may include itchiness, red eyes, ear infections, rashes and hives, eye discharge, lethargy, skin irritation, head shaking, sneezing, runny nose, licking, or excessive scratching. Limiting your pet’s time outside and keeping your home clean can be effective strategies for combating fall pet allergies. However, always consult your veterinarian for more personalized guidance on how to properly manage your furry friend’s allergies.
In addition to allergies, it’s essential to understand that fleas can still be a problem in the fall, as they are able to thrive in moderate temperatures. As a result, it’s important for you to regularly check your pet for signs of these pests. These signs may include visible fleas and their droppings or any changes in your pet’s behavior, such as scratching, chewing, or biting themselves excessively. Inspect their skin for any signs of rashes or hotspots, hair loss, and flea bites. Fleas can cause serious skin problems so if you notice any signs of bleeding or small red/pink bumps, it’s crucial to consult your veterinarian to promptly address the issue.
To shield your furry friend from infestations, maintain a regular flea prevention routine—which may include topical treatments, oral medications, or collars. Flea prevention should be maintained year-round and is often recommended by veterinarians as a way of preventing these pesky insects from causing discomfort and health issues for your pet. It’s also a way of safeguarding your fur baby’s well-being!