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How to Be a Sustainable Pet Owner

How to Be a Sustainable Pet Owner

Over the last few years, sustainability and the use of sustainable products has emerged as a steadily increasing trend among consumers.

This shift signified a change in consumer behavior, to which pet owners are now adopting a more deliberate approach when selecting products they intend to purchase for their pets. As opposed to mere consumption, consumers’ focus has now shifted to a conscious consideration of the products they introduce into their pets’ lives—driven by an unwavering commitment to provide nothing but the best for their furry loved ones! Key factors such as quality, social responsibility, and environmental impact have become integral components in pet owners’ decision-making process.

With a growing awareness of the interconnectedness between pet ownership, environmental impact, and personal choices, pet parents aim to strike a balance between the love they have for their pets and their commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability. Not only are they favoring products aligned with eco-friendliness and safety, but they are actively seeking out strategies to lower their own carbon footprint—as well as that of their furry companions.

However, what does it really mean to be a sustainable pet owner? From conscientious product selection to the adoption of eco-friendly pet care routines, we’ll delve into ways you can contribute to a greener, more sustainable future!

Use Eco-Friendly Grooming Products

Sustainable grooming not only helps to reduce the environmental impact of caring for your pet, but also contributes to a healthier planet by conserving resources, minimizing waste, and much more! Grooming is an essential part of pet care and you can make the process eco-friendly with just a few mindful changes and ethical choices that can enrich both your pet’s life and the world we live in!

One way to start is to choose products that are made from natural, biodegradable, and non-toxic ingredients. In terms of shampoos and conditioners, these products will typically include organic base ingredients such as coconut, jojoba, olive, or almond oil—all of which help to maintain your furry friend’s skin and coat. Do your best to avoid products that contain harsh chemicals such as sulfates, synthetic fragrances, dyes, parabens, and phosphates. When washed down the drain, they can leach into waterways and harm aquatic ecosystems. Another ingredient to lookout for is palm oil as it plays a significant role in driving deforestation. Opt for products that feature minimal or recyclable packaging to reduce waste, and always go with cruelty free options! It benefits not only your pet, but the environment as well!

Minimize your water usage when giving your fur baby a bath! In the process of lathering them up, make a conscious effort to keep the water turned off until it is time for them to be rinsed off. Consider exploring water-saving nozzles that regulate water flow, or alternatively, use a container to collect water for rinsing or for other purposes, such as watering plants!

If grooming your pet yourself, look for tools that are energy-efficient, made from recycled materials, and are rechargeable. This can help to reduce energy consumption and waste production. When removing excess pet hair, dispose of it properly! Consider repurposing it as materials for stuffed toys or bird nesting. Another eco-friendly option is to compost it, minimizing waste and returning nutrients to the earth. Learning to do it yourself is also a great way to reduce the need for transportation to and from grooming salons!

If seeking professional grooming services, inquire if they use eco-friendly products and practices. Supporting these businesses not only benefits your furry friend, but can also encourage sustainable pet care in your own community!

Choose Eco-Friendly Pet Toys & Accessories

Pet toys and accessories are an absolute necessity! We all know that pets love playtime and engaging in fun activities. Not only is it a great form of exercise and physical stimulation, but it also provides them with mental stimulation—important for behavioral enrichment and keeping them happy, healthy, and stress-free. Therefore, as pet parents, we revel in spoiling them with an array of toys to keep them occupied and entertained. However, after a while, a considerable amount of these toys meet their end after a few weeks or months—succumbing to the rigors of play, our pets’ vigorous chewing, and eventual wear and tear. The natural response? We find ourselves back at the nearest pet store or shop online to purchase replacements…then the cycle repeats itself! But let’s pause and reflect for a moment.

While our intentions are of good heart, this recurring pattern contributes to increased waste generation and a constant demand for new play toys. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that many pet products are often made from synthetic materials, like plastic, which possess non-biodegradable and unsustainable properties. Not to mention the additional risk of potentially toxic chemicals used in their creation. This poses a detrimental impact on the environment as these materials may end up in landfills or oceans, posing a threat to our marine friends!

So, as a pet parent, you may be wondering, “How can I find a balance between pampering my pet and reducing this cycle of waste?”

For one, consider purchasing eco-friendly pet toys made from recycled, biodegradable, or natural material! Not only does this help to divert waste from landfills and conserve valuable resources, but the production of toys made from recycled materials typically requires less energy than producing entirely new ones. It’s a win-win solution for both your pet’s enjoyment and the environment’s well being! These toys tend to be more durable, long lasting, and boasts unique and creative designs to keep your pet engaged. So, the next time you go toy shopping for your furry best friend, keep in mind the positive impact you can make by choosing sustainable options! Your choice in opting for eco-friendly pet toys sends a message to manufacturers and signals a demand for more sustainable and responsible products—pushing these companies to adopt more sustainable practices!

To save money and curb unnecessary overbuying, you can also recycle or repurpose common household items into pet toys—or in other words, DIY! There are plenty of potential pet toys hiding inside your home, all it takes is a creative mindset! Cardboard, socks, toilet paper rolls, used shirts/towels, and more can all be used to craft toys for your furry companion. Breathing new life into everyday household items and transforming them into something new for your fur babies to play with is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and keep your furry friend entertained, all while embarking on your sustainable journey!

If you find that your pet is no longer interested in a toy, don’t throw it out—share the joy! Give, gift, or swap it with another pet owner or friend to bring happiness to another pet who is eagerly awaiting new playthings!

Properly Dispose of Your Pet's Waste

Cleaning up after your pet is extremely important! Our furry friends contribute to a substantial amount of waste in our surroundings that can lead to health risks, environmental contamination, and more. However, by responsibly managing their waste, pet owners can take steps towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly lifestyle!


In terms of dogs, always ensure that you properly dispose of their waste rather than leaving it behind on the grass, concrete, or wherever nature calls for them! If not cleaned up appropriately, especially when rainy weather rolls around, it can seep into soil and flow into drainage systems. Pet waste contains nitrogen and phosphorus, nutrients that cause excessive growth of algae and weeds in water. This impacts not only water quality and aquatic life—by contaminating rivers, lakes and streams—but plant growth and human health as well. So if you’re an avid swimmer, this can turn your refreshing swim into a potentially risky adventure. Pet waste is also very toxic and contains pathogenic bacteria and parasites (ex. E. coli, Salmonella, roundworms, etc.) that can be contracted by humans if proper hygiene and sanitation measures are not followed!

Naturally, you may clean up after your dog using regular plastic bags that are then thrown in the garbage. However all this does is generate a lot of waste in landfills. In fact, it is estimated that 500 million single-use plastic dog poop bags end up in U.S. landfills each year—which is approximately an astonishing 10 million tons of dog waste!

Biodegradable bags may seem like the best option in this case, however it is important to note that the decomposition of many waste bags claiming to be earth-friendly or biodegradable is limited and highly dependent on their disposal location. For instance, in landfills, some never degrade at all (though there are some biodegradable bags designed specifically to decompose in a landfill )! Therefore, to get the best use out of biodegradable bags, you need to learn how to dispose of them the right way! Here are a few options:

1. Compost it! Biodegradable bags that are compostable are an eco-friendly choice that can help to reduce the amount of dog waste that ends up in landfills, where it can produce harmful greenhouse gasses. However, do not use it on anything that you intend to eat, like fruits or vegetables in your garden! It can lead to contamination and poses a significant health risk. When composted properly, dog waste compost can help to become a valuable source of nutrients for your non-edible plants—enriching the soil and promoting healthy growth.

2. Seek out pet waste removal services in your local area!

3. Bury it! If you live in a rural area, you can bury it five inches underground, far away from any vegetable gardens or water sources


For cats, consider swapping clay-based litter—the most common, inexpensive, and widely available type of litter— for eco-friendly, bio-based litter alternatives. Bio-based litter alternatives are not only biodegradable, but do not need to be mined and are made from renewable sources. Materials like corn, wheat, recycled paper, or wood flakes are great options as they break down naturally and can be composted. Clay needs to be mined, which contributes to soil erosion, groundwater contamination, and habitat destruction. Therefore, it is not exactly environmentally friendly.

However, avoid flushing cat litter—even if it is deemed flushable! Some wastewater treatment systems are not equipped to treat the parasites and bacteria that can be found in your feline companion’s poop, therefore, always check with your local waste management authorities to ensure you are following proper procedures of disposal in a sustainable way.

Choose Sustainable Pet Food Options

According to a study, the meat consumption of pets in the United States leads to an annual emission of approximately 64 million tons of carbon dioxide. To put this into perspective, it’s equivalent to the emissions produced by 13.6 million cars. It’s truly astonishing! Even more striking is that in the United States alone, the diet of dogs and cats are responsible for about 25-30% of the environmental impact associated with meat consumption. This is primarily because of their meat-heavy diets which contributes largely to their carbon pawprint. This is especially true in the case of cats, who are obligate carnivores. Meat production, especially beef, demands vast amounts of energy, land, pesticides, and water to produce than any other food source. This heightened demand for resources has a significant impact on the environment, leading to consequences such as biodiversity loss, waste generation, and resource depletion.

To be a sustainable pet owner, it is important to focus on the type of food you choose for your furry best pal as it is clear that it has a significant impact on both the environment and well-being of your beloved pet. For one, consider purchasing from companies that prioritize sustainability in their production processes, sourcing, and business practices. Conduct research and ensure they are being transparent in regards to the source and quality of the ingredients provided. When it comes to packaging, opt for pet food that utilizes environmentally friendly packaging, such as biodegradable or recyclable materials.

Look for pet foods that use sustainable ingredients, such as ethically raised meat and locally grown produce. Pet owners may also want to consider meat-alternatives such as plant-based or insect-based pet food options. These choices tend to have a lower carbon footprint and offer high nutritional content.

Another sustainable choice is to simply feed your pet less food. Exercising portion control is highly important because many pet owners tend to overfeed their pets unintentionally. This not only squanders resources, but contributes to the overall environmental impact as well. Feed your furry friend the right amount of food based on their age, breed, nutritional need, and other important factors. Not only can this help curb obesity—a rampant problem for many pets, but it keeps the planet healthy as well!

Always consult with your pet’s veterinarian before making any changes to their diet!


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