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Cats and Their Quirky Behaviors

Cats and Their Quirky Behaviors

Cats—with their mysterious and often perplexing behaviors—never fail to keep us entertained and on our toes.  Beyond making wonderful fluffy companions, their curious nature gives way to diverse personalities that make them so intriguing as pets.  In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the strangest and most amusing cat behaviors, uncovering some of the reasons behind these curious habits and shedding light on the complexities of our feline friends!


1 | The Midnight Zoomies! 

Cats are known for their bursts of energy and playful behavior, and if you’re a cat parent, then you’re no stranger to witnessing them dashing between rooms or bouncing off objects or walls—literally.  This phenomenon is often known as “the zoomies”.  During these episodes, cats may leap, sprint, pounce, meow excessively, and playfully dart around their environment—letting loose their wild side.  

The zoomies is a normal behavior typically seen in young cats, though it can occur in cats of any age, as they often have bursts of pent-up energy they need to burn off—similar to our canine friends!  As cats are crepuscular, these playful antics typically occur during the night or dawn and can be entertaining for them while helping to relieve boredom and stress, especially if there is a lack of stimulation or exercise during the day. 

However, it’s also possible for cats to get the zoomies or run amok in response to physical discomfort from fleas.  Always watch their behavior to ensure they don’t injure themselves and to check for any evidence of bugs.  If this is a new occurrence for your feline friend, visit your vet for a check-up!


2 | Butts in the Air

Does your cat's bum shoot up into the air when you give them a good pet or scratch?  Or maybe you're simply going about your day when they suddenly spin around and show you their—well, you get the idea.  This slightly weird but amusing action is called an "elevator butt", where your cat lowers their chest toward the ground, angling their rear end upwards.  Despite the oddity of this position, it can be a sign of trust, love, happiness, and contentment!  They're signaling that they enjoy the petting and are beckoning you to keep it coming.  It's also a posture many cats adopt when they crave attention or some extra lovin'—though, for unspayed female cats in heat, the lovin' they seek may not be from you but from other cats!  Additionally, it's their way of leaving a scent mark—a friendly hello to other cats, who'll often greet each other with a quick sniff to exchange scents and messages. 


3 | Sleeping in Odd Places!

You might have spent days searching for the perfect cat bed for your feline friend.  From the style to the color to the material, you must have put a lot of effort into ensuring everything is just right and to their liking, guaranteeing their comfort and satisfaction.  Yet they choose to sleep in the most strange and often inconvenient of places!  Well, this could be for a couple of reasons!

Cats are well-known for their peculiar sleeping habits, opting to nap virtually anywhere.  From laundry baskets to shelves, their choice of resting spots may seem puzzling to some cat parents; however, this behavior can stem from various factors!  For instance, warmth and comfort heavily influence where cats decide to make their bed.  Despite their fur, sometimes they need that extra warmth, and naturally, they're inclined to seek places warm and cozy enough for them to snuggle and catch some z's.  As a result, cats may end up napping in areas like clean, dried laundry piles, sunny spots like a windowsill, or even on you!  They might even surprise you by claiming your laptop or keyboard as their bed!  Conversely, during hot days, they may head for bathtubs and sinks—among other areas—to cool off.  How bizarre, right?!

In addition to warmth and comfort, security is also crucial for cats!  Enclosed and hidden spaces such as cabinets, shoeboxes, underneath beds and sofas, closets, and cardboard boxes can offer cats a sense of safety and protection.  Cats also enjoy elevated sleeping spots that allow them to perch high up and provide a good vantage point to monitor their surroundings—a behavior rooted in their instinctive predatory nature.  When finding elevated spots to nap, cats can be creative, perching on top of the refrigerator, the back of a sofa, bookshelves, or the top of cabinets!  Other factors contributing to cats' often odd sleeping spots include mood, lack of disturbance, softness of the area, and privacy.


4 | Bringing “Gifts”

Who doesn't appreciate receiving gifts?  Whether they're from friends, family, or loved ones, these thoughtful gestures have the power to bring so much joy and happiness.  But when it comes to the unique and often unexpected gifts from our feline friends, it's a whole different ball game.  And while their intentions are sweet, our furry companions have a knack for surprising us with some unusual offerings—ranging from socks swiped from the laundry basket or your neighbor's yard and toys to, occasionally, even deceased animals like birds or mice.  Yep, you read that correctly.  They'll even present it to you proudly, while you may find yourself internally or perhaps outwardly freaking out.  Talk about a horror story!  Though this behavior may seem alarming, it's normal.   It stems from their innate hunting instincts and their desire to share their achievements with their human companions.  So, from your furry feline's point of view, their “gifts” are a genuine expression of love and care.  Additionally, bringing these gifts might be their way of seeking interaction and play!


5 | Knocking Things Over

If you're a cat owner, you know how mischievous and daring they can be.  They love to knock things over and watch them break—often while looking you in the eyes as they do it.  If you're a cat parent, you may already be familiar with these antics, perhaps finding them amusing or perplexing.  However, it doesn't make it any less frustrating to see one of your favorite mugs shattered on the ground. While not the most appealing behavior, cats may knock things over for various reasons!  It could be their way of expressing boredom, finding fun and entertainment, mimicking their hunting instincts by swatting at objects as if they were prey, or wanting your attention—whether to play or elicit a reaction from you, good or bad!  It's normal behavior for them, and some of the best ways to try and curb it are by enriching their space with plenty of interactive toys and activities, scheduling daily playtime, and cat-proofing your home to secure fragile items!


6 | Head-Butts and Gentle Nudges

Have you ever experienced your cat headbutting or rubbing their head against you?  You might even be used to it, finding the interaction sweet, often responding with a gentle head scratch.  This behavior, known as bunting, is more than just a display of fondness—it's a subtle form of communication!   Cats have many scent glands on their heads and can be a bit territorial.  By rubbing against you or headbutting you, they are essentially marking you as their territory.  A headbutt from your furry feline friend can also be a sign of trust and affection, and they'll often headbutt their favorite human to show they feel safe, communicate comfort, and gain attention.  It's their unique way of saying "I love you" and "You belong to me!"  So the next time your cat companion leans in and nudges you, embrace it—your bond will grow stronger!


7 | Drinking Water from the Faucet

Ever caught your feline perched on the edge of the kitchen sink while you wash the dishes or by the bathroom sink as you brush your teeth?  Mesmerized by the running water and just waiting for that moment to dip their head and take a sip?  Well, you’re not alone!  One cat behavior that people may find strange or cute is their preference for drinking straight from the faucet instead of their bowl.  To many people, this behavior may seem a little peculiar, but to cats, it's a blend of instincts, curiosity, and personal preference at play!  Cats are naturally inclined towards fresh, running water, likely stemming from their evolutionary pasts as desert-dwelling animals.  In the wild, they typically seek running water sources such as streams and rivers because they are generally safer and cleaner than stagnant water.  This natural inclination might help explain why domestic cats are often fascinated with faucets!

A cat’s fondness for the faucet may also be due to their inquisitive nature!  They are naturally curious animals and may be drawn to the movement and sounds of running water—perhaps because it’s more stimulating than water sitting in a bowl—further piquing their interest.  Additionally, their preference may be related to the characteristics of the water itself—such as its taste. Consider this: Would you rather have a fresh glass of water or water that has been left out on your countertop overnight?  Surely the fresh one, right?  Well, it’s most likely the same with cats!  Some cats may be particular about the freshness of their water and may find running water more appealing than stale water that has been sitting in a bowl for some time.

Another reason cats might be heading to the faucet for water, believe it or not, is because they have issues with their bowl or its placement!  If they don’t like the type of bowl, such as the material, shape, or size, or if it’s too close to their food (they prefer their water to be away from their eating area), they may avoid drinking it.  As a result, they may look for other alternative options—such as your faucet or sink.  What’s better than the source, right?  Every cat has their preference!  

Many cats find it fun to playfully paw at the streams of water and lap up the cool liquid. Others may develop this behavior as a way of seeking attention.  Regardless of the reason, watching our whiskered companions indulge in this fascination adds to their charming personalities! 


8 | Kneading (because they knead you in their life!)

You might find your fluffy friend kneading on your lap or a comfy blanket with their paws.  This cute behavior, often called 'making biscuits,' is when cats rhythmically push their paws in and out against a soft surface, such as cushions, sofas, or even their favorite humans' laps.  It's like they're kneading dough—alternating between their left and right paws adorably while purring in contentment.  This gentle, repetitive motion may suggest that they feel safe, relaxed, and thoroughly content.  Interestingly enough, it can also be traced back to their kitten days!  As little kittens, they would tenderly press against their mother's belly to stimulate milk flow, associating the behavior with the warmth and comfort of nursing, giving them a sense of security.  Cats may also knead for other reasons, such as to bond with you, show happiness, stretch their joints and muscles, and mark their territory using the scent glands in their paws—leaving their unique scent behind!


Our feline friends are full of quirks that can keep us entertained or sometimes leave us scratching our heads. Yet, it’s precisely these odd behaviors that add to their charm and makes them such endearing companions.  It’s just part of who they are and what makes them so special!  Embrace your cat’s peculiar behaviors and enjoy the bond you both share.  And if you’re concerned about anything in particular, consult your veterinarian.  Life with a cat is always full of surprises and their purr-sonalities make each day brighter!

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